Hello! When you partner with Mary Mason Photography, you will meet either Mary or Mikala (or both!). Our grandmother was Mary Mason. I am Mary Smith, formerly Thomas. Mikala is Mikala Thomas (pronounced Mi-Kay-Lah, not Mi-CAH-Lah… that was the story of her life growing up).
I am the youngest, she is the oldest. I started Mary Mason Photography with the dream of being able to be present for my three children, and in charge of my own schedule. I started the business under the challenge of being told to make the camera I had just bought pay for itself. Challenge accepted. More than a decade later, here we are, still going strong.
Since then, I have become single, raising my three children. I do work a second job and, occasionally, a third job, as this business presents its ups and downs in a precarious economy. So, at times, editing times can be longer or quicker, just depending on the season and what my personal life entails.
I chose to name the business after my grandmother because we have so few images of her. She died in a head on car collision when my mom was just seven, and like every mom, she was the one behind the camera. She also hated having her picture made. I don’t know why because, to me, she is simply stunning. My favorite picture I have of her is one where she is standing in front of a tourist attraction, holding a camera in her hands. I treasure that image for many reasons, but mainly because it is the message of Mary Mason Photography.
What is the message you ask? Take the pictures. Be in the picture. Forget your insecurities. Because one day, your kids (or grandkids) will want all the pictures they can have of you.
A little bit about Mary:
I am a single mom to three girls, a lover of sunsets and coffee, all things Jesus, and cheese. I love cheese. I can’t explain why I love cheese so much, but I do. I love Thai food the most, and romantic comedies fill up my weekends when I am editing and my children are at their dads. Also, I am terrified of chickens.
A little bit about Mikala:
She is a mom to three boys, loves coffee and she always has a large gas station Diet Pepsi nearby. She is a lover of books and all things Beauty & The Beast. Her dream room in a house would be a library, floor to ceiling. She loves animals, including chickens, goats, pigs, and horses. She loves shoes and purses, and often has to purge her collection.
Mikala is the yin to my yang. My perfect balance. We are as different as night and day, but also twin flames. Both introverted to a fault, but energized in different ways. Both lovers of music and books, but different stories and sounds. Both lovers of coffee, but different flavors. When we work together, she knows what I want before I ask, and that is why I know she is more than just my sister, she is my yin, my sunshine to my moon.
Although, the best part about working with Mikala, is being the younger sister and getting to boss her around. Just kidding! Or am I…
Now that you have heard a little bit of our story, we would love to tell yours.